Published inCodeXSpring Boot + SNS + SQS + LocalStackIn the previous post, we set up a Spring Boot project and implemented a couple of Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) tasks. In this…Jul 24, 20211Jul 24, 20211
Published inCodeXSpring Boot + SNS + LocalStackLocalStack is an open-source Amazon Web Services (AWS) mocking service. Also, it supports aws-cli commands in the shell. We can use…Jul 21, 2021Jul 21, 2021
Published inCodeXSpring Boot JpaRepository TutorialIn this post, we will dive into the JPA Repository implementation of the Spring Framework. Spring provides a strong infrastructure for…Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
Hello World with Spring Boot + KotlinIn this post, we will create a very simple hello world example by using the Spring Boot with Kotlin language. The key idea is to implement…Apr 9, 2021Apr 9, 2021